Dearest Hazel,
This morning, on International Women's Day, as you repeated back each word of our daily affirmations, I realized that each of these attributes are already so innately within you.
I am strong.
I am confident.
I am beautiful.
I am full of love.
These affirmations came about when I was 15 weeks pregnant, fatigued, yet so thrilled to be carrying a healthy baby girl. As I forced each foot in front of the other, heading up the gravel hill next to the house (a walk I did often), I smiled and happily repeated over and over, “I am confident. I am beautiful. I am full of love.” I knew these were words I wanted you to say and internalize so they could become a part of you.
Oh, how I hope they do.
I hope you come to understand your strength. Not only your physical strength that comes from a healthy body, but your mental and emotional strength. Life is not easy and doesn’t come without its challenges; you will face moments of uncertainty and moments of triumph. You will encounter joy and heartache, love and loss. In those moments, it is crucial that you embrace the truth of who you are as a daughter of God, recognize the strength that resides within your vulnerabilities, and extend compassion towards yourself.
There is an astonishing strength that lies within vulnerability. You are a beacon of courage, capable of transforming the world with your unique way of being. In a society that too often confuses strength with stoicism, remember that it is in our willingness to be open, honest, and authentic that we find the greatest power and connection.
I hope you grow in your confidence. There’s nothing you can’t do and there’s nothing you won’t try. I pray you’ll keep on that path. I want you to know that true belonging and connection are found not in perfection, but in embracing your imperfections with love and acceptance. True happiness is not to be found in the approval or admiration of others but in the cultivation of your own mind and the pursuit of your values and dreams. As you persist in obtaining more knowledge and refining your intellect, therein lies the key to unlocking the doors of opportunity that are in front of you.
God will not only help you realize what these opportunities are, but help you achieve them, as well. If they matter to you, they matter to Him.
I hope you always always believe you are beautiful. Of course, there will be times you don’t feel so. There are times I look at myself and wish I could be as beautiful as Hazel … with your frizzy bedhead, no makeup, and chocolate smoothie-lines adorning your lips, cheek, and forehead. It is a process and an on-going journey (especially with each new phase of life) to always love the person looking back at you in the mirror, but I promise it is a process that will reward you ten-fold. When no one else is around, when the cheers and applause has faded and all you’re left with is you … do you like what you see? I hope you always do. Your cute, button “Flory” nose, your luscious locks given you by your daddy, and most importantly, the inner beauty that radiates from knowing who you really are.
God made you. And God doesn’t make mistakes.
Believe it. You are beautiful. Come to absolutely adore the girl looking back at you, even (and maybe especially!) when she’s had a bad day, messed up, has a crazy breakout, or feels that she just plain doesn’t meet the “standard”.
Which leads me to your ability to LOVE. My goodness, you have such a big heart. Everyone around you and everyone you meet can *palpably* feel of your sweet and loving spirit. You are a friend to all, be they human, grass, chicken, or egg sitting on the counter. Everyone you meet receives a tender “Hi” (insert little finger wave) and a smile from you. To be honest, everyone deserves that. Continue to be kind. To be a friend to everyone you can, as Jesus Christ was. Extend to yourself the same empathy and understanding that you would freely offer to a cherished friend. In doing so, you lay the foundation for a life rooted in self-love and acceptance.
You are beautiful.
You are full of love.
Lastly, please remember that you are not alone. You have the support and guidance from generations of wise woman (many of whom you bare namesake) who have forged the way before you. You stand shoulder to shoulder with them; they are your angels and they will always be near to you. Learn of them and remember their stories, for they will be a guidance to you in your life.
You are so strong. You are so confident. So beautiful, and so full of love. Say it. Believe it. Embrace the power of your own voice, assert your ideas with conviction, and let your soul blaze with a fiery passion for the causes that move you.
As you grow, know that my love and support are unwavering. I am here to lift you up when you stumble, to celebrate your successes, and to walk alongside you, hand in hand, as you navigate the sometimes challenging yet wildly beautiful path of womanhood.
Some day, when you’re grown and find yourself raising your own sweet baby girl, I hope you remember these things and smile; hopefully all these things will make sense and you’ll come to realize the power of the love I have for you.
I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always … (and I’ll let you finish the lyric.)

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